
Hello, Everybody!

Welcome to my blog page! 

My name is Ganesha, the elephant-headed god in Hinduism. Most of you might not know me at this point, but you should be familiar with me after reading all my unique stories. I've attached a picture of me just in case if you are curious about what an elephant-headed god looks like.

A picture of Ganesha

I bet you want to hear about my birth story first. I believe everyone has his or her own remarkable birth story to tell. However, mine is just a little bit extra. My mom (Parvati) simply made me out of turmeric paste that she uses to bathe with. I never experienced a day of the life inside the womb of my mom like all of you had. It sure was easier for my mom to not go through labor. I will tell you in detail why she made me out of turmeric paste in my story about My Birth.

Turmeric Paste

I hope you are not freaked out by my weird-looking head. My head was absolutely normal before my dad (Shiva) chopped it off. I know what you're thinking: why in the world would a father chop off the head of his own child? Hahah. I really didn't blame him that much. I would actually do the same thing if I were him. If you want to know why he chopped off my head or why I forgave him, you should check out my story about How I Got My Elephant Head.

Chopping Off One's Head

After you have some ideas about my birth and my elephant head, wouldn't you want to attend my party??? It is named Ganesha Charturthi. Based on the name, you may get the hint that it is the annual celebration of my birthday. Thousands of people come to my birthday party each year. If you want to meet me in person, then you should definitely come to my party. For more information about the party, please read Ganesha Charturthi.

Ganesha Charturthi